Sunday, April 7, 2013

Small and Insignificant steps for some, huge steps for others!

Something as normal as eating can be a huge milestone to some. Being told you’re fat is hard to hear, being told every day is harder. It becomes worse when you believe it. You become very self-conscious and cut down on food. Yep, simple as that, you eat the minimum you can survive on, the people who surround you don’t tend to notice as quick. I know, because I did it, weight just falls off. But that’s not the hard bit, the hard bit is, once they notice, coming to terms with eating again. Your body has come so used to eating so little… You have to retrain it to eat properly again. It takes a while and it’s hard, the sigh and smell of food makes you feel ill, but you battle on. Something as simple as ‘If you eat all your dinner, you can have ice-cream for pudding’ works, Yes its very childish but it works. And slowly you begin to eat normally again. Eating, an insignificant step for some, a huge step for others.

Learning to accept that not everything and everyone will be what we think they are. We are all different. There are people that I sometimes want to kill, because they drive me insane, but I’d kill for them all the time.  Just because you are nice to someone and respect their feeling and choices in life doesn’t mean under any circumstance that they’d do the same for you. They might constantly put you down and make you think that you are not good enough. You need to accept that you cannot control what they say, think, how they are or their personalities. It’s out of your hands. The only person you can control is yourself, accept that. As for others, well you have two choices: Accept them as they are or walk away and don’t look back.

3.Asking for help
I’m not very good at asking for help, okay, I never asked for help, up until a few weeks ago. Always been to damn proud and  stubborn. Never fully trusted someone enough to feel safe enough to let them in, so I just bottled everything up. It’s so hard to gain someone’s trust and yet so easy to break it. Trust is gained over time, it’s not something that happens instantly, it’s a very valuable trait.

Recently I learned that it’s ok to admit you are struggling, it’s ok to cry and it’s ok to ask for help, because I am only human. Out of all the people, that you’ve helped through the years with their problems, it’s very sad to see that only a hand full are willing to help you. But there is always someone there, ALWAYS. Old friend or a new friend, they’re there and they’ll help if you ask. Asking for help an easy step for many an very difficult step for others.

4.Public places
Every been in a public place, like a super market, the park, class or a restaurant a felt like the whole place is getting smaller and the noise gets louder? Well with anxiety and panic attacks you feel like that.

No, we CAN’T help it… No, we CAN’T snap out of it…No, we DON’T do it for attention, because trust me it isn’t fun! No, we DON’T enjoy causing a scene. No, we DON’T like everyone staring at us, but we CAN’T help it. Our brain makes us react like we are being attacked, like we are in danger. Yes, we try to stay as calm as possible…Yes, we try our best not to freak out. But no, we CAN’T promise to stop the drama before it starts….We CAN’T promise to breathe deeply. But we CAN promise we will try our best. So next time you see someone having a panic attack in a supermarket or in class, DON’T judge and stare, either walk away and carry on with what you were doing or gently ask if you can help.

5. Not beating yourself up
There will always be someone out there who is better than you, prettier, more beautiful, more intelligent, taller, skinnier, with a nicer personality… just better, more perfect than you will ever be. So what? You are you, there is a reason you are the way you are. We weren’t put on this earth to compete with people’s looks and personality, we are here to be the best version we can be of ourselves. You’re not beautiful? So what, you probably have an amazing personality. Everyone is different, some of us are crazy, some on us are more uptight, more stressful, get ourselves more worked up and more irritated, so what? The most important thing is that we are being ourselves and pretending to be someone we are not.  Don’t beat yourself up, you are how you are for a reason, don’t fight that reason. You’ll always be someone’s reason to smile, don’t take that away from them.

We are only human, we all make mistakes, we are all different. If you don't know a person or their story then don't judge them, they are battling something huge you know absolutely nothing about, the last thing they need are your horrible remarks.