Racing round and round he never stops giving.
He's tall and slender with bright blue eyes,

The car of glistening silver shines in the light,To get on the podium is a difficult fight.
When he crashes or retires it makes me sad,
But to see him walk away unhurt makes me glad.
Screeching tyres as pits pit stops are made,
A good stop mean the race could be saved.
Make on mistake and the whole team pays,
The race engineer, an important role he plays.
Jenson's racing skills make him a master of rain,
At the starting grid, so much to lose, so much to gain.
The Monaco Grand Prix of 2009 he did win,

For the next victory I might have to wait a while,
I don't mind as long as he continues to smile.
JB is the one I follow with all my heart,
I've followed him right from the start.